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Astral Plane Phenomena
Astral Plane Phenomena
Though in the course of this paper various superphysical phenomena
have been mentioned and to some extent explained, it will perhaps
before concluding be desirable so far to recapitulate as to give a
list of those which are most frequently met with by the student of
these subjects, and to show by which of the agencies we have attempted
to describe they are usually caused. The resources of the astral
world, however, are so varied that almost any phenomenon with which we
are acquainted can be produced in several different ways, so that it
is only possible to lay down general rules in the matter.
Apparitions or ghosts furnish a very good instance of the remark just
made, for in the loose manner in which the words are ordinarily used
they may stand for almost any inhabitant of the astral plane. Of
course psychically developed people are constantly seeing such things,
but for an ordinary person to "see a ghost," as the common expression
runs, one of two things must happen: either that ghost must
materialize, or that person must have a temporary flash of psychic
perception. But for the fact that neither of these events is a common
one, ghosts would be met with in our streets as frequently as living
[Sidenote: Churchyard Ghosts.]
If the ghost is seen hovering about a grave it is probably the etheric
shell of a newly-buried person, though it _may_ be the astral body of
a living man haunting in sleep the tomb of a friend; or again, it may
be a materialized thought-form--that is, an artificial elemental
created by the energy with which a man thinks of himself as present at
that particular spot. These varieties would be easily distinguishable
one from the other by any one accustomed to use astral vision, but an
unpractised person would be quite likely to call them all vaguely
[Sidenote: Apparitions of the Dying.]
Apparitions at the time of death are by no means uncommon, and are
very often really visits paid by the astral form of the dying man just
before what we elect to call the moment of dissolution; though here
again they are quite likely to be thought-forms called into being by
his earnest wish to see some friend once more before he passes into an
unfamiliar condition.
[Sidenote: Haunted Localities.]
Apparitions at the spot where some crime was committed are usually
thought-forms projected by the criminal, who, whether living or dead,
but most especially when dead, is perpetually thinking over again and
again the circumstances of his action; and since these thoughts are
naturally specially vivid in his mind on the anniversary of the
original crime, it is often only on that occasion that the artificial
elementals he creates are strong enough to materialize themselves to
ordinary sight--a fact which accounts for the periodicity of some
manifestations of this class. Another point in reference to such
phenomena is, that wherever any tremendous mental disturbance has
taken place, wherever overwhelming terror, pain, sorrow, hatred, or
indeed any kind of intense passion has been felt, an impression of so
very marked a character has been made upon the astral light that a
person with even the faintest glimmer of psychic faculty cannot but be
deeply impressed by it, and it would need but a slight temporary
increase of sensibility to enable him to visualize the entire
scene--to see the event in all its detail apparently taking place
before his eyes--and in such a case he would of course report that
the place was haunted, and that he had seen a ghost. Indeed, people
who are as yet unable to see psychically under any circumstances are
frequently very unpleasantly impressed when visiting such places as we
have mentioned; there are many, for example, who feel uncomfortable
when passing the site of Tyburn Tree, or cannot stay in the Chamber of
Horrors at Madame Tussaud's, though they may not be in the least aware
that their discomfort is due to the dreadful impressions in the astral
light which surround places and objects redolent of horror and crime,
and to the presence of the loathsome astral entities which always
swarm about such centres.
[Sidenote: Family Ghosts.]
The family ghost, whom we generally find in the stock stories of the
supernatural as an appanage of the feudal castle, may be either a
thought-form or an unusually vivid impression in the astral light, or
again he may really be an earth-bound ancestor still haunting the
scenes in which his thoughts and hopes centred during life.
[Sidenote: Bell-ringing, stone-throwing, etc.]
Another class of hauntings which take the form of bell-ringing,
stone-throwing, or the breaking of crockery, has already been referred
to, and is almost invariably the work of elemental forces, either set
blindly in motion by the clumsy efforts of an ignorant person trying
to attract the attention of his surviving friends, or intentionally
employed by some childishly mischievous nature-spirit.
[Sidenote: Fairies.]
The nature-spirits are also responsible for whatever of truth there
may be in all the strange fairy stories which are so common in certain
parts of the country. Sometimes a temporary accession of clairvoyance,
which is by no means uncommon among the inhabitants of lonely
mountainous regions, enables some belated wayfarer to watch their
joyous gambols; sometimes strange tricks are played upon some
terrified victim, and a glamour is cast over him, making him, for
example, see houses and people where he knows none really exist. And
this is frequently no mere momentary delusion, for a man will
sometimes go through quite a long series of imaginary but most
striking adventures, and then suddenly find that all his brilliant
surroundings have vanished in a moment, leaving him standing in some
lonely valley or on some wind-swept plain. On the other hand, it is by
no means safe to accept as founded on fact all the popular legends on
the subject, for the grossest superstition is often mingled with the
theories of the peasantry about these beings, as was shown by a recent
terrible murder case in Ireland.
To the same entities must be attributed a large portion of what are
called physical phenomena at spiritualistic _seances_--indeed, many a
_seance_ has been given entirely by these mischievous creatures; and
such a performance might easily include many very striking items, such
as the answering of questions and delivery of pretended messages by
raps or tilts, the exhibition of "spirit lights," the apport of
objects from a distance, the reading of thoughts which were in the
mind of any person present, the precipitation of writings or drawings,
and even materializations. In fact, the nature-spirits alone, if any
of them happened to be disposed to take the trouble, could give a
_seance_ equal to the most wonderful of which we read; for though
there may be certain phenomena which they would not find it easy to
reproduce, their marvellous power of glamour would enable them without
difficulty to persuade the entire circle that these phenomena also had
duly occurred, unless, indeed, there were present a trained observer
who understood their arts and knew how to defeat them. As a general
rule, whenever silly tricks or practical jokes are played at a
_seance_, we may infer the presence either of low-class
nature-spirits, or of human beings who were of a sufficiently degraded
type to find pleasure in such idiotic performances during life.
[Sidenote: Communicating Entities.]
As to the entities who may "communicate" at a _seance_, or may obsess
and speak through an entranced medium, their name is simply legion;
there is hardly a single class among all the varied inhabitants of the
astral plane from whose ranks they may not be drawn, though after the
explanations given it will be readily understood that the chances are
very much against their coming from a high one. A manifesting "spirit"
_may_ be exactly what it professes to be, but on the whole the
probabilities are that it is nothing of the kind; and for the ordinary
sitter there is absolutely no means of distinguishing the true from
the false, since the extent to which a being having all the resources
of the astral plane at his command can delude a person on the physical
plane is so great that no reliance can be placed even on what seems
the most convincing proof. If something manifests which announces
itself as a man's long-lost brother, he can have no certainty that its
claim is a just one; if it tells him of some fact known only to that
brother and to himself, he remains unconvinced, for he knows that it
might easily have read the information from his own mind, or from his
surroundings in the astral light; even if it goes still further and
tells him something connected with his brother, of which he himself is
unaware, but which he afterwards verifies, he still realizes that even
this may have been read from the astral record, or that what he sees
before him may be only the shade of his brother, and so possess his
memory without in any way being himself. It is not for one moment
denied that important communications have sometimes been made at
_seances_ by entities who in such cases have been precisely what they
said they were; all that is claimed is that it is quite impossible
for the ordinary person who visits a _seance_ ever to be certain that
he is not being cruelly deceived in one or other of half a dozen
different ways.
There have been a few cases in which members of the lodge of
occultists referred to above as originating the spiritualistic
movement have themselves given, through a medium, a series of valuable
teachings on deeply interesting subjects, but this has invariably been
at strictly private family _seances_, not at public performances for
which money has been paid.
[Sidenote: Astral Resources.]
To understand the methods by which a large class of physical phenomena
are produced, it is necessary to have some comprehension of the
various resources mentioned above, which a person functioning on the
astral plane finds at his command; and this is a branch of the subject
which it is by no means easy to make clear, especially as it is hedged
about with certain obviously necessary restrictions. It may perhaps
help us if we remember that the astral plane may be regarded as in
many ways only an extension of the physical, and the idea that matter
may assume the etheric state (in which, though intangible to us, it is
yet purely physical) may serve to show us how the one melts into the
other. In fact, in the Hindu conception of Jagrat, or "the waking
state," the physical and astral planes are combined, its seven
subdivisions corresponding to the four conditions of physical matter,
and the three broad divisions of astral matter explained above. With
this thought in our minds it is easy to move a step further, and grasp
the idea that astral vision, or rather astral perception, may from one
point of view be defined as the capability of receiving an enormously
increased number of different sets of vibrations. In our physical
bodies one small set of slow vibrations is perceptible to us as sound;
another small set of much more rapid vibrations affects us as light;
and again another set as electric action: but there are immense
numbers of intermediate vibrations which produce no result which our
physical senses can cognize at all. Now it will readily be seen that
if all, or even some only, of these intermediates, with all the
complications producible by differences of wave-length, are
perceptible on the astral plane, our comprehension of nature might be
very greatly increased on that level, and we might be able to acquire
much information which is now hidden from us.
[Sidenote: Clairvoyance.]
[Sidenote: Prevision and Second-sight.]
It is admitted that some of these pass through solid matter with
perfect ease, so that this enables us to account scientifically for
some of the peculiarities of astral vision, though those minds to
which the theory of the fourth dimension commends itself find in it a
neater and more complete explanation. It is clear that the mere
possession of this astral vision by a being would at once account for
his capability to produce many results that seem very wonderful to
us--such, for example, as the reading of a passage from a closed book;
and when we remember, furthermore, that this faculty includes the
power of thought-reading to the fullest extent, and also, when
combined with the knowledge of the projection of currents in the
astral light, that of observing a desired object in almost any part of
the world, we see that a good many of the phenomena of clairvoyance
are explicable even without rising above this level. Of course true,
trained, and absolutely reliable clairvoyance calls into operation an
entirely different set of faculties, but as these belong to a higher
plane than the astral, they form no part of our present subject. The
faculty of accurate prevision, again, appertains altogether to that
higher plane, yet flashes or reflections of it frequently show
themselves to purely astral sight, more especially among simple-minded
people who live under suitable conditions--what is called
"second-sight" among the Highlanders of Scotland being a well-known
Another fact which must not be forgotten is that any intelligent
inhabitant of the astral plane is not only able to perceive these
etheric vibrations, but can also--if he has learnt how it is
done--adapt them to his own ends or himself set them in motion.
[Sidenote: Astral Forces.]
[Sidenote: Etheric Currents.]
[Sidenote: Etheric Pressure.]
[Sidenote: Latent Energy.]
[Sidenote: Sympathetic Vibration.]
It will be readily understood that superphysical forces and the methods of
managing them are not subjects about which much can be written for
publication at present, though there is reason to suppose that it may not
be very long before at any rate some applications of one or two of them
come to be known to the world at large: but it may perhaps be possible,
without transgressing the limits of the permissible, to give so much of an
idea of them as shall be sufficient to show in outline how certain
phenomena are performed. All who have much experience of spiritualistic
_seances_ at which physical results are produced must at one time or
another have seen evidence of the employment of practically resistless
force in, for example, the instantaneous movement of enormous weights, and
so on; and if of a scientific turn of mind, they may perhaps have wondered
whence this force was obtained, and what was the leverage employed. As
usual in connection with astral phenomena, there are several ways in which
such work may have been done, but it will be enough for the moment to hint
at four. First, there are great etheric currents constantly sweeping over
the surface of the earth from pole to pole in volume which makes their
power as irresistible as that of the rising tide, and there are methods by
which this stupendous force may be safely utilized, though unskilful
attempts to control it would be fraught with frightful danger. Secondly,
there is what can best be described as an etheric pressure, somewhat
corresponding to, though immensely greater than, the atmospheric pressure.
In ordinary life we are as little conscious of one of these pressures as we
are of the other, but nevertheless they both exist, and if science were
able to exhaust the ether from a given space, as it can exhaust the air,
the one could be proved as readily as the other. The difficulty of doing
that lies in the fact that matter in the etheric condition freely
inter-penetrates matter in all states below it, so that there is as yet no
means within the knowledge of our physicists by which any given body of
ether can be isolated from the rest. Practical Occultism, however, teaches
how this can be done, and thus the tremendous force of etheric pressure can
be brought into play. Thirdly, there is a vast store of potential energy
which has become dormant in matter during the involution of the subtle into
the gross, and by changing the condition of the matter some of this may be
liberated and utilized, somewhat as latent energy in the form of heat may
be liberated by a change in the condition of visible matter. Fourthly, many
striking results, both great and small, may be produced by an extension of
a principle which may be described as that of sympathetic vibration.
rather than elucidate astral phenomena, because they can never be more than
partially applicable; but the recollection of two simple facts of ordinary
life may help to make this important branch of our subject clearer, if we
are careful not to push the analogy further than it will hold good. It is
well known that if one of the wires of a harp be made to vibrate
vigorously, its movement will call forth sympathetic vibrations in the
corresponding strings of any number of harps placed round it, if they are
tuned to exactly the same pitch. It is also well known that when a large
body of soldiers crosses a suspension bridge it is necessary for them to
break step, since the perfect regularity of their ordinary march would set
up a vibration in the bridge which would be intensified by every step they
took, until the point of resistance of the iron was passed, when the whole
structure would fly to pieces. With these two analogies in our minds (never
forgetting that they are only partial ones) it may seem more comprehensible
that one who knows exactly at what rate to start his vibrations--knows, so
to speak, the keynote of the class of matter he wishes to affect--should be
able by sounding that keynote to call forth an immense number of
sympathetic vibrations. When this is done on the physical plane no
additional energy is developed; but on the astral plane there is this
difference, that the matter with which we are dealing is far less inert,
and so when called into action by these sympathetic vibrations it adds its
own living force to the original impulse, which may thus be multiplied
many-fold; and then by further rhythmic repetition of the original impulse,
as in the case of the soldiers marching over the bridge, the vibrations may
be so intensified that the result is out of all apparent proportion to the
cause. Indeed, it may be said that there is scarcely any limit to the
conceivable achievements of this force in the hands of a great Adept Who
fully comprehends its possibilities; for the very building of the Universe
itself was but the result of the vibrations set up by the Spoken Word.
[Sidenote: Mantras.]
The class of mantras or spells which produce their result not by
controlling some elemental, but merely by the repetition of certain
sounds, also depend for their efficacy upon this action of sympathetic
[Sidenote: Disintegration.]
The phenomenon of disintegration also may be brought about by the
action of extremely rapid vibrations, which overcome the cohesion of
the molecules of the object operated upon. A still higher rate of
vibrations of a somewhat different type will separate these molecules
into their constituent atoms. A body reduced by these means to the
etheric condition can be moved by an astral current from one place to
another with very great rapidity; and the moment that the force which
has been exerted to put it into that condition is withdrawn it will be
forced by the etheric pressure to resume its original form. It is in
this way that objects are sometimes brought almost instantaneously
from great distances at spiritualistic _seances_, and it is obvious
that when disintegrated they could be passed with perfect ease through
any solid substance, such, for example, as the wall of a house or the
side of a locked box, so that what is commonly called "the passage of
matter through matter" is seen, when properly understood, to be as
simple as the passage of water through a sieve, or of a gas through a
liquid in some chemical experiment.
[Sidenote: Materialization.]
Since it is possible by an alteration of vibrations to change matter
from the solid to the etheric condition, it will be comprehended that
it is also possible to reverse the process and to bring etheric matter
into the solid state. As the one process explains the phenomenon of
disintegration, so does the other that of materialization; and just as
in the former case a continued effort of will is necessary to prevent
the object from resuming its original form, so in exactly the same way
in the latter phenomenon a continued effort is necessary to prevent
the materialized matter from relapsing into the etheric condition. In
the materializations seen at an ordinary _seance_, such matter as may
be required is borrowed as far as possible from the medium's etheric
double--an operation which is prejudicial to his health, and also
undesirable in various other ways; and this explains the fact that the
materialized form is usually strictly confined to the immediate
neighbourhood of the medium, and is subject to an attraction which is
constantly drawing it back to the body from which it came, so that if
kept away from the medium too long the figure collapses, and the
matter which composed it, returning to the etheric condition, rushes
back instantly to its source.
[Sidenote: Why Darkness is required.]
[Sidenote: Spirit Photographs.]
The reason why the beings directing a _seance_ find it easier to
operate in darkness or in very subdued light will now be manifest,
since their power would usually be insufficient to hold together a
materialized form or even a "spirit hand" for more than a very few
seconds amidst the intense vibrations set up by brilliant light. The
_habitues_ of _seances_ will no doubt have noticed that
materializations are of three kinds:--First, those which are tangible
but not visible; second, those which are visible but not tangible; and
third, those which are both visible and tangible. To the first kind,
which is much the most common, belong the invisible spirit hands which
so frequently stroke the faces of the sitters or carry small objects
about the room, and the vocal organs from which the "direct voice"
proceeds. In this case, an order of matter is being used which can
neither reflect nor obstruct light, but which is capable under certain
conditions of setting up vibrations in the atmosphere which affect us
as sound. A variation of this class is that kind of partial
materialization which, though incapable of reflecting any light that
we can see, is yet able to affect some of the ultra-violet rays, and
can therefore make a more or less definite impression upon the camera,
and so provide us with what are known as "spirit photographs". When
there is not sufficient power available to produce a perfect
materialization we sometimes get the vaporous-looking form which
constitutes our second class, and in such a case the "spirits" usually
warn their sitters that the forms which appear must not be touched.
In the rarer case of a full materialization there is sufficient power
to hold together, at least for a few moments, a form which can be both
seen and touched.
When an Adept or pupil finds it necessary for any purpose to
materialize his Mayavirupa or his astral body, he does not draw upon
either his own etheric double or any one else's, since he has been
taught how to extract the matter which he requires directly from the
astral light or even from the Akasha.
[Sidenote: Reduplication.]
Another phenomenon closely connected with this part of the subject is
that of reduplication, which is produced by simply forming in the
astral light a perfect mental image of the object to be copied, and
then gathering about that mould the necessary physical matter. Of
course for this purpose it is necessary that every particle, interior
as well as exterior, of the object to be duplicated should be held
accurately in view simultaneously, and consequently the phenomenon is
one which requires considerable power of concentration to perform.
Persons unable to reduce the matter required directly from the astral
light have sometimes borrowed it from the material of the original
article, which in this case would be correspondingly reduced in
[Sidenote: Precipitation.]
We read a good deal in Theosophical literature about the precipitation
of letters or pictures. This result, like everything else, may be
obtained in several ways. An Adept wishing to communicate with some
one might place a sheet of paper before him, form an image of the
writing which he wished to appear upon it, and draw from the astral
light the matter wherewith to objectify that image; or if he preferred
to do so it would be equally easy for him to produce the same result
upon a sheet of paper lying before his correspondent, whatever might
be the distance between them. A third method which, since it saves
time, is much more frequently adopted, is to impress the whole
substance of the letter on the mind of some pupil, and leave him to do
the mechanical work of precipitation. That pupil would then take his
sheet of paper, and, imagining he saw the letter written thereon in
his Master's hand, would proceed to objectify the writing as before
described. If he found it difficult to perform simultaneously the two
operations of drawing his material from the astral light and
precipitating the writing on the paper, he might have either ordinary
ink or a small quantity of coloured powder on the table beside him,
which, being already physical matter, could be drawn upon more
It is of course obvious that the possession of this power would be a
very dangerous weapon in the hands of an unscrupulous person, since it
is just as easy to imitate one man's handwriting as another's, and it
would be impossible to detect by any ordinary means a forgery
committed in this manner. A pupil definitely connected with any Master
has always an infallible test by which he knows whether any message
really emanates from that Master or not, but for others the proof of
its origin must always lie solely in the contents of the letter and
the spirit breathing through it, as the handwriting, however cleverly
imitated, is of absolutely no value as evidence.
As to speed, a pupil new to the work of precipitation would probably
be able to image only a few words at a time, and would, therefore, get
on hardly more rapidly than if he wrote his letter in the ordinary
way, but a more experienced individual who could visualize a whole
page or perhaps the entire letter at once would get through his work
with greater facility. It is in this manner that quite long letters
are sometimes produced in a few seconds at a _seance_.
When a picture has to be precipitated the method is precisely the
same, except that here it is absolutely necessary that the entire
scene should he visualized at once, and if many colours are required
there is of course the additional complication of manufacturing them,
keeping them separate, and reproducing accurately the exact tints of
the scene to be represented. Evidently there is scope here for the
exercise of the artistic faculty, and it must not be supposed that
every inhabitant of the astral plane could by this method produce an
equally good picture; a man who had been a great artist in life, and
had therefore learnt how to see and what to look for, would certainly
be very much more successful than the ordinary person if he attempted
precipitation when on the astral plane after death.
[Sidenote: Slate-writing.]
The slate-writing, for the production of which under test conditions
some of the greatest mediums have been so famous, is sometimes
produced by precipitation, though more frequently the fragment of
pencil enclosed between the slates is guided by a spirit hand, of
which only just the tiny points sufficient to grasp it are
[Sidenote: Levitation.]
An occurrence which occasionally takes place at _seances_, and more
frequently among eastern Yogis, is what is called levitation--that is,
the floating of a human body in the air. No doubt when this takes
place in the case of a medium, he is often simply upborne by "spirit
hands," but there is another and more scientific method of
accomplishing this feat which is always used in the East, and
occasionally here also. Occult science is acquainted with a means of
neutralizing or even entirely reversing the attraction of gravity, and
it is obvious that by the judicious use of this power all the
phenomena of levitation may be easily produced. It was no doubt by a
knowledge of this secret that some of the air-ships of ancient India
and Atlantis were raised from the earth and made light enough to be
readily moved and directed; and not improbably the same acquaintance
with nature's finer forces greatly facilitated the labours of those
who raised the enormous blocks of stone sometimes used in cyclopean
architecture, or in the building of the Pyramids and Stonehenge.
[Sidenote: Spirit Lights.]
With the knowledge of the forces of nature which the resources of the
astral plane place at the command its inhabitants the production of
what are called "spirit lights" is a very easy matter, whether they be
of the mildly phosphorescent or the dazzling electrical variety, or
those curious dancing globules of light into which a certain class of
fire elementals so readily transform themselves. Since all light
consists simply of vibrations of the ether, it is obvious that any one
who knows how to set up these vibrations can readily produce any kind
of light that he wishes.
[Sidenote: Handling Fire.]
It is by the aid of the etheric elemental essence also that the
remarkable feat of handling fire unharmed is generally performed,
though there are as usual other ways in which it can be done. The
thinnest layer of etheric substance can be so manipulated as to be
absolutely impervious to heat, and when the hand of a medium or sitter
is covered with this he may pick up burning coal or red-hot iron with
perfect safety.
[Sidenote: Transmutation.]
Most of the occurrences of the _seance_-room have now been referred
to, but there are one or two of the rarer phenomena of the outer world
which must not be left quite without mention in our list. The
transmutation of metals is commonly supposed to be a mere dream of the
mediaeval alchemists, and no doubt in most cases the description of the
phenomenon was merely a symbol of the purification of the soul; yet
there seems to be some evidence that it was really accomplished by
them on several occasions, and there are petty magicians in the East
who profess to do it under test conditions even now. Be that as it
may, it is evident that since the ultimate atom is one and the same in
all substances, and it is only the methods of its combination that
differ, any one who possessed the power of reducing a piece of metal
to the atomic condition and of re-arranging its atoms in some other
form would have no difficulty in effecting transmutation to any extent
that he wished.
[Sidenote: Repercussion.]
The principle of sympathetic vibration mentioned above also provides
the explanation of that strange and little-known phenomenon called
repercussion, by means of which any injury done to, or any mark made
upon, the astral body in the course of its wanderings will be
reproduced in the physical body. We find traces of this in some of the
evidence given at trials for witchcraft in the middle ages, in which
it is not infrequently stated that some wound given to the witch when
in the form of a dog or a wolf was found to have appeared in the
corresponding part of her human body. The same strange law has
sometimes led to an entirely unjust accusation of fraud against a
medium, because, for example, some colouring matter rubbed upon the
hand of a materialized "spirit" was afterwards found upon his
hand--the explanation being that in that case, as so often happens,
the "spirit" was simply the medium's astral body or perhaps even his
etheric double, forced by the guiding influences to take some form
other than his own. In fact the astral and physical bodies are so
intimately connected that it is impossible to touch the keynote of one
without immediately setting up exactly corresponding vibrations in the
Astral Plane Artificial