Last night, I dreamed that everybody from my graduating year was forced to go back and repeat all of High School. I don't remember what they would do if we did not go, but I knew they accused every one of use of cheating through the whole year. When I got to the school, I was told to head to the gym. I was lead by an old friend that had died in a car crash. I almost cry because he looked like he did after the crash. As we came to the gym, he feel to the floor. Blood soaked my shoes. I tried to call for help, but no one seemed to care or noticed. I was about to turn back when one of my most hated teachers from Jr. High came up from behind me. I asked him why he was here. He told me that he was promoted. When I entered the gym, it looked just like a theater that I went to every week when I was little. Then, an old friend of mine came up to me. He looked just like he did in his freashman year. I looked around the room quickly and saw I was the only one that had changed or not changed, what ever the case. It was like I was looking at my Freashman year book, but it was real.(In my dream at least) Then, my favorite teacher came out,(P.E. Teacher) and told us what we would do today. He continued to tell us while other people, wraped in cow hide, handed out are scores on the SAT. He stoped and told us to meet his wife to be. Surprise, it was my girlfriend*.
~End of Dream~
I woke in a cold sweat. I wanted this to be one of those dreams you forget when you wake up, but It was not.
*My current girlfriend and I have been going out together since end of Jr. High.