Setting/Background: I'm living in a house similar to mine now, though it's a little bit different structurally. Dana and Kristi are both also living here, as well as two or three other people . . . a couple (man and woman) and possibly a child of theirs . . .
Dream: The first scene I see is the couple in the house being murdered. Nice opener right?
Anyway, the murderer (who I can't see) kills the guy some how, and hangs him from the beams near the ceiling. There's a series of ropes up there and a ceiling fan. The relatively stupid lady just stares, but doesn't run. I get to see what he does to her.
The first thing he does is chop off her head . . . it does that roll-bounce thing on the ground. Her body slumps against the wall in a corner, but she doesn't bleed much . . . yet. Then the murderer goes over to her (he's using some sort of huge knife) and he starts to slice her arms. He starts at the shoulder and slices down, creating what looks like a steak, but he doesn't cut it all the way off her arms. So now she's got these flaps of skin and muscle hanging from her arms, but she's still not bleeding. He then goes and does the same thing to her legs. It's almost as if he was looking for something under her skin.
He doesn't find it and leaves the house. It's then that she starts bleeding.
Shortly there after, I come home. I remember finding the two, and a note from Dana saying that he'd be away for a while.
Kristi comes home then and see's everything, but she doesn't freak out like she usually would. She tells me that she's going to go to a friends house, and tells me to have fun. I just kinda look at her like she's nuts and start rambling about how I couldn't believe that he would leave when there was a murderer loose. She invites me to come with her.
A new scene interrupts this one. I see three bodies hanging from the beams near the ceiling. A man, a woman and a child. Both the man and the woman are hanging by their necks, and the child's hanging by it's arm. All three of them are still alive. They're all connected by a rope system, so if one of them tries to get down, the other two would move up unless it was done a certain way. The problem with this is that the child is directly under the fan blades (which are running). With the first move by the woman, the child moves up and loses her fingers in the fan and she screams. There's a look of pure anguish on the woman's face.
Then it goes back to the other scene.
Kristi had a cab waiting and was calling for me to hurry. I ran upstairs and grabbed a briefcase, then ran back down again. I made sure to lock the front door, then I went out the garage door, stepping over the filleted woman. I shut and locked that door too, then shut the big garage door. As I approached the cab (which was more like a carriage than a car. The seats for passengers were small and completely open . . . no doors etc, and the whole thing was black) Kristi saw the briefcase and yelled at me for bringing something to her friends house like that . . . she said it was disrespectful. I almost argued with her, but I just decided to run back and put it in the house.
I get to the front door and find it open slightly. I think this is odd, but then brush it off as just forgetting to close and lock it.
I push the door open and there's a man there. He turns around with some insane smile to his face and he stabs me in the stomach with a knife, then he goes farther into the house. My jaw drops, and I turn, still holding the briefcase and see the cab starting to back down the driveway. I put a hand over the wound in my stomach, but the blood keeps coming. I raise up my briefcase trying to get Kristi's attention, but she thinks I'm just waving, so she waves back.
As a side note to the dream, I was wearing my black overalls and my maroon, grey, black and white shirt. The murderer in the house was some old roommate of Dana's that he had thrown out, and he had come back to take revenge . . . oddly enough though, he looked like the main guy in the show Three's company.