I was back in mexico in my great-grandparents house. I was there with my friend Jen (who i think is really hot) and another girl from my school who i dont know ver well at all. we said that we felt really dirty and that we had to take a shower before we went to this family party. my grandma said that there was no time for each of us to take a shower. so we decided to all jump into her shower at the same time. we needed shampoo, but i was using my roomates shampoo to wash our hair, and later on, to wash our bodies. i felt really bad, because we were using it all up. so i jumped out of the shower and ran to another bathroom to grab my shampoo and conditioner. when I came back they both wanted to wash all over again with my soap. i know that we were naked. but we were like barbie dolls: we had no real private parts, no pubic hair... i think i just wasn't paying attention to that because we wanted to finsish getting clean. my grandmother was watching us, and she seemed so happy that we could get along so well, and share. we got out of the shower and wrapped each other in big white towels. we said that we were ready. so we left her house. when we went out of the house we stepped into an art gallery that was under construction for a new exhibition. the exhibition was going to be "perfomance art" and a man yelled at us and told us we were late. we told him that we were cold and that we needed to go and get some clothes. so he let us go. while my grandma was telling him what sweet girls we were, and how we shared everything. as i was leaving, i thought how odd it was for anyone to view our behaviour so inocently.