My Dreams is a collection of dreams with dream symbol interpretation. It is a place where you can
search a dream book and find information on dream symbols. Learn lucid dreaming and lucid dreaming
techniques or read the lucid dreaming guides. Read through dream journals and do dream research.
Random Dreams
The strange school dream!
I had this dream not that long ago just after I did this play at school.
I was sitting in class at my Primary School and I was talking with one of my classmates David Muir. I w
Damn Mom!
I dreamed that i lived in my house when i was like 5 and it was just me my sis...jessika and my mom there. and i was like egtting in sooo much trouble for the dumbest things. i r
It's the end of the world!
The end of the world was coming, everyone was sure of that. We were all going around preparing, saying goodbye and anxiously looking towards the sky, waiting.
When the en
Alexis/Ryan Snake
Alexis died. She was put on some sort of Altar, and everything became black and white. There were people mourning her death and I was there, looking over her. Suddenly, it turned t
Indian vacation
I had a dream I was in India and we were at this fantastic resort and I was in some sort of locker room. In the locker room was this old lady with a huge hat and she told me about
Video Games Make Me Cry
This should probably qualify as a fragment...but...oh what the hell
There's something to do with a train ride at the beginning, I believe I was taking it. Running from car to c