My Dreams is a collection of dreams with dream symbol interpretation. It is a place where you can
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Random Dreams
Gemini,Please Read This
Dear Gemini,
In my dream last night as I peacefully slumbered,I dreamt that there were other fairies watching over me.All kinds of them.The flower fairies,the forest fairies,an
A Camaro brings the world to an end
I was on this island with no name. A mountainous island it was, with jagged rocks jutting from all sides, making tremendous sounds as they crashed into the sea. I was on my way t
OK, I bet this is a really classic dream, and I think there was more to it, but here's what I remember:
I was sitting around with my friends outside, in some sort of weird
My best friend?
Ok i am a guy, and on of my best friends is a girl. I was walking to the movies when all of a sudden she comes by with her mom. They asked would i like to have supper at their hous
Petit bonhomme band
J'tais au travail et une de mes collgues et moi on s'crivait des petits mots au lieu de se parler, parce que les lignes taient occupes et pour ne pas que les gens entendent ce