People: Me, Erica, my Grandfather and some lady I think was Laura.
We were outside and there were all these small hills of ants and my Grandfather told me to kill them and I was walking and trying not to step in any hills and then Erica came to me crying and she had one bite on her index finger.
The Laura lady was talking to me the whole time. Telling me basically to get myself together and a bunch of stuff is the impression but can't remember any.
I walked into my Grand's store and got the ant killer and walked down the steps in the back and out the door.
When I went to pour the ant killer on the hill only a small amount was there but all these dried up rat turds came out of the bottle.
There was another vague part of a dream that is nothing but tiger striped furs in a little attic room cage, some guy.
The last part was me driving with my oldest child, my son, to our church for some meeting where there were alot of other churches represented there.