From what I can remember I dreamed I was outside the front of a Devri building with my friend Sam Wu . It was early fall ,in the early evening. Her hair was blowing heavly in the wind as she pointed towords the building and said " look I now go here!" or something along those lines. I remember trying to figure out why the hell would she want to go there! It was a businesss school and she was taking Journalism at Humber. She was really happy and excited!
It turned out when I was waiting with Heather in the pick up area of Finch station ,to be picked up by Sam and her father that I saw the same building. It was the side view more or less but I could still see it was the same building as the one in my dream. In fact that wasn't the only thing I noticed from my dream but the seatbelts in the car and parts of the house.
I have a vague memory of dreaming that I was with my friend Maja and we were in a mall. We were Goinng through stores or rather standing in front
. I can seem to really put my fingure on it. It's very vague, I think we were shopping for a mutual friend of ours " the Twins" for there birthday gift. She was more happy than usually and freerer in spirit , maybe that is more of what her spirit is really like.