Mrs. Niedziezko went to the Cottage Grove avenue Police Station, and asked for help to search the flat for her girl. She did not say anything about her dream for fear they would laugh at her. Detectives Pieroth and Fitzgerald accompanied her to the building. In answer to the ring Evelyn herself came to the door. Evelyn had been visiting a friend.The mother had, no doubt, been thinking daily of her daughter'sdisappearance and unconsciously impressed the idea on the ego, and asthe ego carries out the impressions of our waking state, she actuallybrought the knowledge of her astral experience into the wakingconsciousness, and the intense desire on the mother's part was thedirect cause of her bringing the same experience through twosuccessive nights, showing the ego can impress on the mind importantinformation. The ego is also the source of premonitory dreams.