I was at a concert. there were all of these envelopes from fans of the band. the singer saw me, then ran to the pile, scooped the letters up and tossed them to a fan blowing over the stage, i watched as they circled the air and landed into the crowd. I was on the side of the stage with others, then after the show. I walked to the stage and saw John. I said "JOHN, how are you?" he was wrapping up chords. I extended my hand, and he did also, we shook hands.. "can I have apick?" he looked down and grabbed a pick and handed it to me." I asked him if I could give him a video of my son playing guitar.. he said "of course, but I think I saw it already" then my son got embarrassed and told me to be quiet" then John told my son that he needs to be good to me. im his mom. and his mom is his best friend in the world.