I had a dream that I had 2 babies. I was the same jessica, same age, everything was the same, except I had children, 2 girls, one was a newborn and one was about 2. I was looking for an apartment for us but the only thing I could find was a place about the size of my bedroom, but I got it, it was apartment number 18. The baby girl is the same baby girl I usually have dreams about, I've had dreams about me having a baby before, and the baby always looks the same. A little chubby, adorable girl with dark curly hair. I didn't pay much attention to the older child, I don't know why, but the baby was crying so much in my dream that my focus was mostly on trying to see what was wrong. I actually snapped at her and told her to shutup because it was getting so bad, now I know I would never ever snap at my child like that. It was all very weird. I was supposed to go to work and my mother called and I started crying, asking her how I was supposed to go to work when I had no one to take care of my kids. she told me to hire a babysitter, I yelled at her and told her I couldn't afford one on the money I make and still support us. she told me I got myself into this, deal with it and she hung up. I know this would never happen, so some of the things that were going on in my dream were very unreal and hard to believe. I went over to the baby, picked her up and cried while holding her. I woke up after that.
It really freaked me the fuck out after I woke up and thought about what I had just dreamed about. It was very emotional for some reason and I've been thinking about it all day. I may sound stupid but I really want to have a baby now. I can still feel the girl in my arms and it felt so real, like she was mine, like I miss her, or something. I know that sounds insane, I really can't explain it too well.