It is horrifying: an adolescent boy has brutally killed a string of people. Before, he would have seemed incapable of such a thing, but now he will surely kill again, and again.
He is not being held, or put on trial; he's out in public with the rest of us. He has his dad and his mom, and his friends, who forgive him his evil part. Normal life, in the dream, takes place in a sloping meadow, with a ragged fringe of trees. It is not at all practical, if possible, to escape, and this kid has put mortality right up in front of all of our lives.
I don't know him, but I will soon enough, because the place is small. Everyone must find a way to be safe in his presence.
I do meet him. I am living each critical moment, each breath of each sentence. I can handle it. I am brave, humble, attentive, non-threatening, responsive. I don't want to get in with his group, but am respecting the need to have contact.
He is gentle. He could go off the handle at any time. He is acquiring a leader aura.