it was a trip back to high school. i was carrying my violin. and then i had two violins. ronnie (1) was with me, and we were driving the truck. he had helped me pack for the event. my brother was following me in the car. i had too much luggage. i would not let go of that violin (i don't play violin anymore--haven't in years).
when we got there, it was this huge mall like place. we wondered around, ronnie and i. i walked into a restaraunt and saw ronnie's ex-girlfriend. she was working there. i wanted to say hi. ronnie hung back and i went to talk to her. the talk was generic. when i left, i realized that it wasn't katie (2) at all.
we got to the place where i was to play my violin. it was with some members of my high school orchestra. we were late tho and so i just picked up my violin and we went back to the truck. it was parked behind the car that my brother drove up in. the windows were foggy.
i opened the truck door and my brother was in there with MIKE (3) . i ran to the car and opened the door. i put my violin in there and sat in the car with ronnie for a moment. finally, i went back to the truck and confronted my brother. he explained to me that he was bisexual (??). i was shocked and disgusted.