I just had the absolute most violent dream in my entire life. Basically the world was...well, my world, my region of the earth...more like just a run down city. who knows about the other areas, was ruled by groups of people trying to kill each other. Each one loosly banded together. I was new to a group, so I was eager and willing. I wore my green cargo shorts and was shirtless. I was also very much in shape...A lot more than now. Very well defined muscles, not huge, but just strong and quick. There were a few missions...I can barely remmeber....sliding on some sort of trolley or kind of like cargo truck to kill people. No one really had guns.. It was all knives and cutting weapons...hatchets, axes, swords, sickles, scythes, fucking everything imanignable. There was some sort of underworld. Well...there were these tunnels and vast chasms. But all were man made or appeared to be. Like giant sewers or something. We had finsihed a mission or something, and I went around I guess the parking garage of an office building to explore. I was fucking around with one of those grates in the ground. I was considering dropping in. But every time I stuck my head into the underground, there was this noise...like sort of the neutron bomb in "perfect dark" for N64...but not oscillating, just high pitched all the way down to low pitched. Just then "that fucking raving lunatic again" came. It was some gangless psychopath with a fucking deadly chinese scythe or sickle or something. Dressed in white and stained with blood. He was middle aged, balding, had near superhuman strength, and was fucking scary as hell. Me and a friend ran through the lobby of the hotel or office building. 3 people actually. We made it to the elevator. It was closed, but it wasn't going up for some reason. The doors opened, and I guess the other guy thought we had gone up a floor, he ran out...we screamed, and I didn't even see him, but I could tell his head had been cut off because there was no screaming. The doors closed again, and my comrade and I made it up to our gangs stronghold. There was fucking blood all over the floor. It was hard to walk. They began some sort of war song, because this raving lunatic had been a pest for a little while now, and finally he was after us and were were going to cut his body in little pieces. I had no weapon...i Searched around, and this curved sickle looking thing...like a sickle looked nice. It wasn't mine, it was someone elses. I found a small but deadly dagger that I could use as a secondary weapon. Someone waved me away from it. Someone handed me this weird metal curved two handed hatchet or small axe. It turned out to be innefective. The guy shows up. He's fucking insane, just walking around swinging randomly. We can't move very well because the floor is covered with blood. He nearly takes my head off a couple of times. Its fucking terrifying. I realize I got no chance, and head to stand on the sofas for better traction. The psycho now wants me and just me. I dodge him and run for the doors, and barely I am able to compose myself to get them open. My friends are able to get this guy on the ground at that moment when he was headed towards me. He's got so much strength he nearly just lifts two 200+ lbs guys off his chest with the biggest tricept curl I've ever seen. I go in to slice this guys throat. At the same time as his giant fucking scythe or sickle is carving across my right forearm, opposite to wear in real life I cut myself on purpose on my left arm. It fucking hurts and it goes to the bone. I can hear the scraping. Someone had put a cloth or shirt or something over this guys face. He starts like moaning or just fucking gesticulating and blabbing nonsense. We all pull away and he's on the ground writhing around with this bloody shirt over his face. His weapon is on the ground. I'm screaming, FUCK MY ARM! I can't remember what happened next because I woke up. My right arm hurt and felt like it had been cut badly. My guess is that this is what reading 1984 and putting up with Bush jr's preemptive strike on Iraq does to people like me.