I was taking a walk near my house and I met about five or ten girls, all pregnant. They told me that they had a terrible disease that made them give birth to creatures that were half-sheep, half-person -- they looked exactly like sheep, but on their back was a smiling, round face.
One of the girls told me that God had helped her through this terrible ordeal, and that I ought to believe in God, or else I might become pregnant with a sheep-creature, too. I asked her why she didn't just have an abortion, and she gave me a horrified look and said, "How can you say that? I love my baby more than life itself!"
Later in the dream, I was watching the Geraldo Riviera show and saw these girls on it. Geraldo shook their hands and told them how brave they were.
I also remember a plastic donkey filled with some weird sort of bright-green liquid, but I don't remember where that came in.