I had a dream that I was walking in the woods with my friends Kelly and Jeramiah. There was another girl there too. Her name was Beth Willis. I do not consider this girl to be my friend now, but at one point she was. We were walking in the woods and JJ started coughing. Beth turned around and yelled at him and was very rude to him. She told him to get away from her, so he did. He kinda got this strange look on him and did what she said. *At this point I was certain it was a dream, because in real life he would never do that.* Anyways, I was very taken aback by her rudeness and I called her on it, and yelled at her and basically defended him. Then I was in my hoitey toitey mood and I took off from the others and went down a different path. I didn't mean to go off from the others, it just happened. Then I heard screaming and I turned around to see all my friends running by and calling my name. I told them where I was, but the most of them kept running. JJ however ran over to me and told me to get my ass in gear and start running as we were being chased by wild animals. Then I woke up.