I was at Drama class, then suddenly my class ended. Drama wasn't set in the place it usually is -- it was actually set in a church. So I went to exit the Drama "church" and I met this girl who looks like a girl named Carly who goes to Drama (she hasn't been in any of my classes, though). Anyway, she said that I should have talked in the last sketch. There were many people in the last sketch, so I argued (like I usually wouldn't have done) that you shouldn't all speak at the same time, then she left, and I did another un-like me thing -- I rolled my eyes. Then I apologized for it -- I said something like "well, I didn't mean to do that because she has a valid point" or something. So I went outside and my parents weren't there to pick me up. I started to think of how often I went there, and for some reason I thought I went Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, for another odd reason, I thought that maybe I could stay and wait for the next class to end, so I could go into my other class -- but that doesn't make sense, my drama classes were EVERY OTHER DAY, not EVERY OTHER HOUR.
So I went to call home after I heard some people talking about liquor. I can't remember actually calling, I can remember putting in the quarter to call, though. So then I started to walk home, I think. And the neighbourhoods resembled these past two neighbourhoods in another dream of mine -- I could go straight down to main street, I thought, or go around the school. I went around the school and was so mad when I walked in the school's field -- they had separated the "good kids" turf from the "bad kids". I got through an opening in the fence, and was mad when a heavy duty truck (for construction?) launched balls from this tube of its. Perhaps soccer balls for the field?
I think I went in the school after that, and I saw my parents sitting on this big... thing. It was like the seats in the van, expect it had different levels to sit on. I saw my parents and they saw me, and they did nothing. I was crying. They didn't even say hello or say sorry that they didn't come to pick me up. They didn't even offer me to come sit with them, although this guy that was sitting with them scooted over when he saw me. That was it. I just went into the washroom. I just wanted to cry. I went into