I was in Seattle, in a house that Max and his ex-roommate (in the dream, current) Brent shared. Max wasn't there, and Brent and I had sex. Then a house party got under way, and Max and his new girlfriend came in. She was a petite blonde and hated me instantly - the feeling was mutual and we were arguing and almost got into a fistfight. I was left still feeling angry. Max made me go upstairs to cool off, plus he didn't really want me there. I said that Brent did, etc, but went up anyway. While brooding upstairs I tried to figure out a way out of the house and Seattle back to Vancouver. I had a suitcase but no money. Eventually I decided to hitch-hike. Before I could leave, the blonde girlfriend confronted me again, and I bragged about how I could take her down so easily, and fantasized about breaking her kneecaps, etc, and wrapping my fingers around her entire upper arm, she was so thin. Max was perturbed about this but didn't say anything. Finally I just said fuck you, kissed Brent good-bye, to his embarrassment, and left to hitch-hike home.