I was visiting Chemainus (small town on Vancouver Island, an aunt used to live there) and so were you. We shared a guest bed and neither of us could sleep. First we were chaste, then got cuddlier, and finally kissed. I started undressing; I was wearing two pairs of underwear, one thick grey coarse wool and underneath plain white cotton. Mostly undressed, we were smooching, and you said, "Yes." I said, "Yes what?" Your reply, "I dare you." We both smiled and I paused just to look at you. Then both of our cell phone alarms went off, it was 7:00. My phone listed every movie I'd ever seen and we chatted a bit then had to get up. You went to your car and I followed you with the intention of back seat sex; I said, "No, not after all that." Meaning, don't stop now. But then no was the answer, because I woke up.
Unresolved poetry, no doubt. I can't figure out what the hell the underwear thing means though.