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stab me in the arm?
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All My Dreams Are Lucid . . .
I Had This Dream Last Night
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I Don't Want To Have Sex On The Beach
pop bottle rocket and the static cling disease
Petit bonhomme bandé
Broadway Baby
i met paul
Saying Goodbye To My Ex
Christmas at Ricki Lake's House
Voices misinterpreted
Locked Out After Work
Best Use of Multimedia
Cattyclio: last night, i dreamt that you died
Cattyclio: in some freak accident involving willoughby
Cattyclio: willoughby survived
KingAlbert ofRPV: wtf?
Cattyclio: but you entered into a fatal coma
Cattyclio: and hazel was at your bedside to hear your final words
Cattyclio: and i was devestated
KingAlbert ofRPV: what were my final words?
Cattyclio: "he had a bright future. he was an amazing engineer" were some of the things that i said.
Cattyclio: well, you asked if willoughby was okay
Cattyclio: and then you got all philosophical about dying and told people not to be sad
Cattyclio: before collapsing
KingAlbert ofRPV: that's scarey
Cattyclio: yeah.
Cattyclio: i was crying so much in the dream
KingAlbert ofRPV: aww..
Cattyclio: "my grandma just died. i can't take other people close to me dying!"
Cattyclio: i said
Cattyclio: so weird and realistic!
KingAlbert ofRPV: this is still creepy
Cattyclio: i'm sorry if i'm creeping you out, albert.
Cattyclio: :(
Cattyclio: well, i don't want you to die!
KingAlbert ofRPV: i know..i know
Cattyclio: no worries... unless you get yourself mixed up with willoughby! heh.
KingAlbert ofRPV: hmm
Cattyclio: but yeah, albert.
Cattyclio: just wanted to let you know that i would miss you if you were gone.
KingAlbert ofRPV: ok...i would miss you too
Cattyclio: maybe i dreamt of you dying because you offered to go to a movie with me when i was in town for grandma's funeral
Cattyclio: because in the dream, i was all, "and we were going to go out a movie, but then we didn't"
KingAlbert ofRPV: hmm..maybe...
Cattyclio: who knows.
KingAlbert ofRPV: well i'll prolly see u this summer
KingAlbert ofRPV: what r u doing?
Cattyclio: reading
Cattyclio: yourself?
KingAlbert ofRPV: job
KingAlbert ofRPV: and some reading too
Cattyclio: i'm going to be working at blockbuster. :D
KingAlbert ofRPV: rent movies...yay
Cattyclio: for free!
KingAlbert ofRPV: i know...nice
Cattyclio: exactly. good for hanging otu
Cattyclio: *out
KingAlbert ofRPV: yep
Cattyclio: HUG!
KingAlbert ofRPV: :hug:
Cattyclio: so yeah, sorry if i creeped you out.
Cattyclio: wasn't sure if i should tell you
KingAlbert ofRPV: its ok
Cattyclio: everyone was really sad.
Cattyclio: but anyway.
I was weirded out by this so much
I woke up in fits.