I was at some sort of nature preserve located in the middle of a huge forest in Japan. The preserve, itself, was quite tiny, though...and surrounded on all sides by glass. There were lots of little ponds and streams FILLED with ducks. Some random person told me that ducks originated in Japan.
As I strolled through the preserve, I noticed there were two types of duck. There were "American ducks," which looked like normal, everyday ducks...and "Japanese ducks," which looked like brightly painted tin robots.
There were lots of feeders where one could purchase "duck food." I had no money, so I got my friend Brooke (who just appeared out of nowhere) to give me several quarters. I really wanted to feed those ducks! I put my quarters in a feeder, but as I opened the little slot to let the food fall into my hand, some little boy who had been standing nearby reached out and snatched it all. Ugh! I was pissed.
Suddenly...I was out of the nature preserve and on a giant stage set up outside. It was very hot. I found out why I was in Japan...I was in the ensemble of a new rock opera about Joan of Arc that was premiering there. It was in English, too, so I have no clue what was going on. I only had one solo one line in the big number we were rehearsing then, a song about Joan's humble beginnings, entitled "Golden Wheat." My line dealt with Joan milking cows.
You may be interested to know that Roger Bart, Kristin Chenoweth, and Hunter Foster all had lead roles in the show.
Once again, the dream switched locations. I was back in the nature preserve, but this time I was indoors, in its gift shop. It was pouring down rain outside. Roger and Kristin, who were engaged in my dream (um), were also there, picking out gifts for each other. I grew very bored and opened the back door of the gift shop, which faced a parking lot. It was no longer raining. The sun was out. I stood around for awhile until Hunter pulled up in an old, rusted car and sat, glaring at me. I was so upset, I ran back into the nature preserve (where it was still raining, oddly enough) and broke open one of the duck feeders so I could finally feed them.