I dreamt last night that I was a superhero. Or rather a wannabe who actually got to be. I don’t exactly remember the plot line of my dream’s specifics, but all I remember is that I was trying to protect this child, whose name was “Gray Matter”. All I remember is that she was apart of some kind of puzzle that once pieced together would give someone the power to take over the world or something. Each piece was a person or maybe she was the only person puzzle piece, but all I remember is that I couldn’t let her get into the wrong hands. It was my duty to protect her and I don’t know, but I think there was a clone and a switch. I don’t know why I was protecting this child; all I know is that I had a strong attachment to her. I didn’t want any harm to come to her and basically I was risking my life for her. I don’t know why I think I was a superhero; I don’t recall any superhuman powers. Just a lot fast cars . . . and jumping through windows and pushing people through garage doors, and guns? Were there guns? I think the others had guns. Perhaps I was just a hired bodyguard, but I don’t know. It felt way personal that I be protecting her.
Anyways my partner in crime? (I say partner in crime because I don’t think either party involved in the dream were on the right side of the law), was none other than “A”. He wasn’t exactly my partner; I mean not officially he wasn’t. But for some reason he was helping me protect her. He was risking his life to protect her and save me as well. He was protecting me more then he was protecting “Gray Matter”. He was doing it for me. . .but it wasn’t anything romantic or anything . . . I think in the back of my head I might’ve been fully aware of who his girl friend was. I think I felt he was doing it for me because that’s just how much he cared about me as a person in his life. Like he’d do that for any friend that would return the favor. Friend . . .
I remember at one point we were in the car and he brought up Sonny, ‘cause Sonny was in the dream too. I think Sonny’s the one who told me about “Gray Matter” and her supposed importance. I think perhaps I was trying to protect her even more for him because I remember at one point right after I gave the girl up to this women to take into custody/ protection, I was hugging/holding Sonny for a long time. Almost just resting in his arms because I had been able to save the girl (and apparently the world). Yay?
Well yeah, it was that incident I suppose that prompts “A” to bring Sonny up in the car. Were we in a convertible? All I know is that it wasn’t his BMW, but perhaps a BMW, but black, not silver. Who the hell was driving anyway? Him? I think at first he says that I shouldn’t go for Sonny, he’s not right for me. But because we’re in the car and I don’t know, there are planes? Going over our heads, I can’t hear him and so I’m all like, “What?” But he thinks I’m giving him attitude as in my “What?” really meant, “What? Who the hell do you think you are to tell me who to see and who not to see?” So he says, “I said, go for Sonny, he’s good for you” but the cynicism in his voice was more then apparent.
That’s all that I remember from the dream. I’m sure there’s some kind of symbolic something in there somewhere behind all this, but I’m way too tired to figure out what it is. I hardly got any sleep last night. I’m so tired. I’m surprised I dreamed about anything at all . . .
Doesn’t it utterly suck when the guy you like doesn’t like you, like that at least, but still thinks you rock and wants to be friends with you despite what happens? I feel like that’s how “A” wants to be with me. I have a strong feeling that as soon as they beak up, we’re never gonna get together, but worse comes to worst, we’re gonna end up being really good friends. But you know? We’re not gonna be good friend until they break up. I almost feel bad that I’m anticipating their break up. But seriously, how long can this possibly last?? But know what? I’ve been wrong before, so who am I to say anything? I mean, maybe this will last for a long time. He really seems to like her a lot. So long as he doesn’t break up with her, I know she’s not gonna break up with him. And as for Dil, we were speaking today and he told me that yesterday “A” had told him to meet him at a “Toys R Us” because he had to buy his nephew a present for his birthday and when he pulled up next to “A”’s car he caught “A” and Sandra going at it as if his car had tinted windows, which he doesn’t. They hadn’t even noticed Dil, so he just left. He was sickened. He told me that chances were, he’d never be able to go out with Sandra . . .chances were it wasn’t gonna ever happen between them . . .then again, he had said that the last time . . .