I was a character from Sex and the City in the beginning. I was in a mall that connected to a hotel, but it looked like an aiport, really. I was pregnant and due that day, and I really thought I was going to be having the baby. I got to the hotel with Samantha, Charlotte, and Carrie(I think I was Miranda), and I was so excited. People came and visited me, kind-of like it was a hospital. Somewhere during the dream, Samantha Pilson came to the hotel and I said.."I don't even have a name for baby!" and she said.. "name it Shane." I told her, NO WAY, I would name it Ashton. Umm. Then, in the dream, my dad was a traveling businessman and he wasn't going to be there for the baby, and I cried..and then the doorbell rang and I answered it, and it was him. He was with Miranda. That's all I remember :D