the first dream was as follows. I was in a mall shopping with someone. They were walking and I was flying... naked. In my dreams when I fly I go up and then down to the ground kinda like the bird in evolution when he's in the mall. I was going over the second floor balconies and down into stores, flying right below the ceilings near fans. I was so happy and free. Everyone was smiling at me!
Second dream... we (i guess me and friends) were on a trip that i guess was with our school. We were on a bus or in a hotel and these 4 guys were also. At first they were being really mean and writing in Amy's diary but then I was flirting with them and though they all looked the same and didn't really have faces I knew that I liked them, and felt safe with them. They gave me their numbers and addresses and I stuck it in my backpocket.
We were still on our trip and shopping and Amy saw this teapot in a window that she needed to buy so we went in and the windows were like the ones are the bookstore. I was like, I'll buy you one when I'm in Thailand, she was like laughing, no you won't! She bought it for 70 something dollars.