I was at camp with my 4 cronies and a couple other people. I had forgotten my backpack and tennis shoes. We went into a river and saw this african-american baby in a diaper that lived underwater. We wanted to get it over the dam, so I got on the other side of the dam. I looked down and saw a 7 foot long green snake. It started to move and opened it's mouth so I screamed and they pulled me up. Then we went to eat dinner in this looooong line that kept on breaking up where ever people would need to get through. Everyone was very conscientious and smiling. I tried to explain to the cronie who hadn't been to this camp not to grab at food and stuff but she was like nooo! I already know! We stayed up forever that nite and woke up the next afternoon at 2. I was upset that the day had been wasted so I hurried to go to riflery while the others went somewhere I hadn't heard of. But everything was so different that I couldn't find my way. The road was paved and uphill and They had sold the horse pasture as a cemetary. Then I ran into Mike coming down the hill. I asked him where riflery was... and then was like what are you doing here? he said he was there for the boys camp. (there isn't one) We went to his cabin and played videogames like the atari game asteroid. Then I left and walked over mountains and for presumably days to find the riflery station. It looked different and noone was there. Then this fat guy stood up. I said i wanted to shoot. He said no, cause it was the time of year where he went to camp to pick up the 10 kids in his bus. I saw myself, the fat sweaty boy from Heavy Weights and then woke up.