i had a dream when i was sleeping on my lounge chair
the dream was i woke up in the exact spot i was sleeping and my brother was on the other lounge chair just like he was when i had fallen asleep.
i woke up in the dream and i could feel something vibrating "you know where". it felt like i was paralised but i managed to get the vibrator off me and i hid it under the lounge chair..
in the dream i was really scared because i could move and i thought it was happening in real life.
i felt vonrable because i was half naked and paralised...
when i woke up i checked under the lounge chair to see if i could find the vibrator but it wasnt there and i was relived the dream wasnt accually real.
this dream was teriffing and the next night i was scared to go to sleep in case i had a similar dream...
it felt absolutly real.