Add Dream
uberbudgie Dreams
Endless Cafeteria Nightmare
Grrrrrl Power Orgy
The Day I Crashed a Stolen Car
Weird Rape Dream
The Boyscouts of America at Burning Man 2002
Queen of England
Carnivorous Orchard Dream
The Tower and the Candy
A Green Stone
Yet Another Sex Dream
Naked Convelescent Home
Scary Miscarriage Dream
Pure Buttermilk Chocolate
drowning into thin air
High School Sex Dream
Mourning the End of the World
glass ceilings and cocktail parties
'Beautiful Children' resort McDonalds
Two Totems
Lil Bro and the Scam Artists
The Harvestor
Metaphysical Spy Movie
Mother Daughter Camp
Am I Popular Enough Yet?
Night Rave at the Zen Garden
Nick Twisp and the New Fangled Western
Jenny of the Suburbs
room mates in the City
Identity Theft
The Angel of Stinky Music
Yet another cardboard box
Halloween Early
non-consensual remodeling
the unexpected serenade
the flying box
Prison Dream
Another Nightmare
strange, burgundy colored wings
just when I thought I was done with my ex....
im dead im dead im dead
The Odd Friend
sucked in
I don't want to be a game-show star
flying away again
a long, dark ocean
Brightly Colored Skull Necklaces
I hate my job.
Random Dreams
A weird feeling I had
Seashells and a 70's House
the dance
Hurt Again
Casey's crappy job
Running and Meeting a Lobster
Tower Trap
recurrence of heart failure
Chapter II.
I went to New Zealand
Betrayed by my parents
Justin, Mexican food, and me
big round sleepy water chair
My Crazy Dad
Burger King...or should I say...Burger King/King of the Chickens???
Uncomfortableness Part 1
dodgy men in clubs
The Wild, Wild West
Brightly Colored Skull Necklaces
I was at the after party to some huge
theatrical event and all of the backstage
area was packed. It looked like a
convention hall more than anything else,
and was filled with lots of caucasians.
Seems like about one in ten people had
a table set up with flyers or all kinds of
junk, (mostly for sale), all over the top.
The room was just PACKED and so
there were a ton of these 6' by 2.5' tables
all over the place.
Nobody but caucasians everywhere.
So, I was thinking to myself, "There
must be some mistake, this looks
more like a swap meet or a convention
than an after-play cast party." Then
I saw that almost all of the stuff had
something or other to do with Jesus
and Salvation.
Hmmmm, perhaps this is a very
passive agressive protest of some
sort, who knows? Then I found out
it was a fundraiser. (?!?Huh?!?!)
Then I saw my mom at some table
that was full of old clothes, telling people
that everything was for free. I was very
curious, and started to go through the
clothes, and ended up finding a very
nice pair of chopsticks that I lost when
I was a teen just after I bought them,
and a pair of really hot looking matte
black PVC pants that were exactly
my size and looked like they were
made of a heavy matte rubber. My
mother was telling me, "I know you've
been looking for those, I've been
carrying them around with me for
a long time!"
I left irritated, taking the pants and the
chopsticks with me, because I was angry
she was lying to me.
I went to the edge of the fray, past the
tables stacked with J. T. Chick tracts
and generic hard candy to some actual
booths where some random items in
bright colors were for sale. Near the
door were two different booths set
up by different vendors under the same
bright primary colored canopy. One was
selling clear pvc-sided travel kits and
make-up bags in lilac and bright shades,
the other was selling these bright
pearlescent necklaces in 'pride' colors
(rainbow skull and crossbones
necklaces for JESUS?!?!?!) It was all
"for Jesus", I thought it was all very
amusing considering that these were
the sorts of necklaces I'd buy to wear
to SF Pride festivities or a leather
gathering. Yet, here was this middle
aged man with a beard and coke bottle
glasses grinning up at me while I was
handling the necklaces saying, "Praise
Jesus!" I was thinking to myself,
'I don't even know what the fundraiser
is for, should I be buying these? It
could be something totally against
my ethical standards.'
The price was only $10- each, pretty
inexpensive, really... I was thinking of
how many I'd get for my friends, despite
the fact that I've told everyone "I'm not
giving Christmas presents this year, I'm
saving for school," and debated whether
or not I should be buying them, despite
how much I liked them. (Big 2" smooth
pearlescent plastic skulls in very bright,
well done rainbow pride colors... What
is there not to love, they are so GOOFY!)
Then the phone woke me up.
I hate my job.