Add Dream
uberbudgie Dreams
Endless Cafeteria Nightmare
Grrrrrl Power Orgy
The Day I Crashed a Stolen Car
Weird Rape Dream
The Boyscouts of America at Burning Man 2002
Queen of England
Carnivorous Orchard Dream
The Tower and the Candy
A Green Stone
Yet Another Sex Dream
Naked Convelescent Home
Scary Miscarriage Dream
Pure Buttermilk Chocolate
drowning into thin air
High School Sex Dream
Mourning the End of the World
glass ceilings and cocktail parties
'Beautiful Children' resort McDonalds
Two Totems
Lil Bro and the Scam Artists
The Harvestor
Metaphysical Spy Movie
Mother Daughter Camp
Am I Popular Enough Yet?
Night Rave at the Zen Garden
Nick Twisp and the New Fangled Western
Jenny of the Suburbs
room mates in the City
Identity Theft
The Angel of Stinky Music
Yet another cardboard box
Halloween Early
non-consensual remodeling
the unexpected serenade
the flying box
Prison Dream
Another Nightmare
strange, burgundy colored wings
just when I thought I was done with my ex....
im dead im dead im dead
The Odd Friend
sucked in
I don't want to be a game-show star
flying away again
a long, dark ocean
Brightly Colored Skull Necklaces
I hate my job.
Random Dreams
daniel johns = good, but he's supposed to be evil
Killing Demons
i can't believe you--sequel to sexual fantaziiies...-
Repetetive Nightmare
Floating in South Africa
How Are The Werebears? They've Started Multiplying!
red cardinals
Isn't in lovely being hit by a truck?
Always Second Guessing
digital cable and other nightmares
when I was eight I wanted to be Jan Brady but I'm better now
Holiday Cheer
JournalCon 2001
red and purple
if pauly shore had a brother.
At the movies with Aaron
i'm bald
reunion at the mall
Not a Violin Virtuoso
The Great Dream I Had Before Waking Up To The Nightmare Today.
Metaphysical Spy Movie
I dreamed that I was a spy in a James Bond movie,
(the 90's James Bond, not the ones that starred Sean Connery), and that I was with James Bond and supposed
to be his romantic interest, but that another spy had caught
my eye.
This spy, I didn't know what side he was on, just that
I was amazed that this lovely creature was -everything-
I had ever dreamed of, even down to the disposition...
I have such interesting taste that I never thought a configuration of all of these attributes was possible,
but here they were in this tantalizing, (albeit deadly),
And this guy was obviously attracted to me too.
James Bond caught us looking at each other and
gave me a knowing wink and left us alone. But we
weren't alone, we were in this massive blade-runner
style apartment complex and the landlady was a real busybody... We were trying to avoid her. And find
some place where we would completely be alone
for certain inevitable indulgences.
James Bond was in a room with some cute blond
woman who fancied entomology and was going to
Cal Berkeley. I don't know how I knew that, but she
was really cute and benevolent.
There was a creek nearby, surrounded by thick trees.
We were trying to find a way our of the complex to the
creek but the complex was a labarinth and I could smell
the phermones on the both of us. It felt like I would burst
from anticipation and the chemicles swimming though my
body. It was like, pow, this is the one, and I was on FIRE!
We were running and kissing and everything around us was
melting and carrying us under and we were on the move
again, always trying to get to the creek so that we could
remove our clothes.
I knew that after we made love at the creek, he would kill
me. But I really did not care because we would afterwards
share the same body... I was slowy becoming him as he
was becoming me and we were heading towards the water
to my death and I felt so happy.
red and orange