Most of the people dancing were in the main courtyard; I was on a semi-circle bridge on
the edge, watching it all, not really wanting
to talk to much of anyone.
About ten or so of the dancers, they must have arrived as a group, had these fantastic outfits -- transparent neon inflatable vests that were filled with light sticks.
I was enjoying the music and the light stick
vests. I just really needed my own space.
I was very skinny, which had a lot to do with why
I didn't feel like being social. Like, 83lbs kinda
skinny, which had me really annoyed because I wanted to just be "me".
And all of these really 'pretty' people kept
coming up to me and hitting on me. I
suppose that I should have been flattered, but
I knew that it was only because I was skinny
and wearing enjoyable textures, so it really
pissed me off and I made it a point to be
very rude -- which only made them more persistant.