Add Dream
uberbudgie Dreams
Endless Cafeteria Nightmare
Grrrrrl Power Orgy
The Day I Crashed a Stolen Car
Weird Rape Dream
The Boyscouts of America at Burning Man 2002
Queen of England
Carnivorous Orchard Dream
The Tower and the Candy
A Green Stone
Yet Another Sex Dream
Naked Convelescent Home
Scary Miscarriage Dream
Pure Buttermilk Chocolate
drowning into thin air
High School Sex Dream
Mourning the End of the World
glass ceilings and cocktail parties
'Beautiful Children' resort McDonalds
Two Totems
Lil Bro and the Scam Artists
The Harvestor
Metaphysical Spy Movie
Mother Daughter Camp
Am I Popular Enough Yet?
Night Rave at the Zen Garden
Nick Twisp and the New Fangled Western
Jenny of the Suburbs
room mates in the City
Identity Theft
The Angel of Stinky Music
Yet another cardboard box
Halloween Early
non-consensual remodeling
the unexpected serenade
the flying box
Prison Dream
Another Nightmare
strange, burgundy colored wings
just when I thought I was done with my ex....
im dead im dead im dead
The Odd Friend
sucked in
I don't want to be a game-show star
flying away again
a long, dark ocean
Brightly Colored Skull Necklaces
I hate my job.
Random Dreams taste
Kim Cattral, belts and barbies...what a normal dream for me =)
Topless, Adam and Peeling Skin
BABY being raped
secret floorboard
The end of Ryan
Green Blood Filled Bottels
car show
Running and Meeting a Lobster
I Was An FBI Agent
Tower Trap
Mother Daughter Camp
how's my smiley?
I Swear I Would Follow Anything... Just Get Me Out of Here
Back In Bham
Green Snake
Auditioning for an old part
'Beautiful Children' resort McDonalds
I was in a resort that was built like
the walls of a stadium; there were
buildings built practically on top of
each other, all looking in towards
this conglomerate of swimming pools
and brightly colored plastic trees,
with a lot of cheery primary-color
painted steel pipe balconies and
concrete that had been mixed with
strong pigments before it set,
giving a distinctive mottled
Mostly, the concrete was crayon
green, crayon purple, and crayon
orange... In blocky forms. The
architecture made me think of
'What if Nikolodeon did family fun
concentration camps?' as well as
the German silent movie 'The Cabinet
of Dr.Calgari at the same time'.
The whole effect of the resort was
quite disturbing, in a tastefully PG13
sort of way.
Child actors and actresses were
every-where swarming like ants,
climbing over the walls and defying
the laws of gravity, as noisy as a
flock of wild parrots, trying to pretend
they weren't originally from the
projects or inner city slums or beat-up,
low-rent sections of the suburbs before
being 'discovered' for television. They
were as thick as a swarm of ants, I
could barely see the buildings and the
pools through the crawling children.
The children came in all colors and
shapes, and all wore vivid primary
colors, and tried to make themselves
appear as big as possible. They all
looked the same somehow. And
each one thought they were the most
beautiful, talented person there.
They were leaping off of the sides of
buildings into the swimming pools,
excitedly screaming and jabbering,
eating Happy Meals, and squirming all
over each other as they jockeyed for
the attention of the overworked
chaperones, who were all dressed
in traditional Affribean clothing and
carried clipboards. Mostly, the children
were ordering food and compaining
about this or that.
I found out that the place was owned
by the McDonalds corporation and
wanted to order some food myself,
as I was pretty hungry.
I ordered two cheeseburgers with no
meat and no onions, a small fries, and
a medium diet coke without ice. (This
is what I order in real life when I go
to McDonalds, oddly enough).
Then I remembered that I was boycotting
McDonalds and had no intention of eating
McDonalds food and woke up.
Uh-oh I'm dead again!
strange friends