Add Dream
uberbudgie Dreams
Endless Cafeteria Nightmare
Grrrrrl Power Orgy
The Day I Crashed a Stolen Car
Weird Rape Dream
The Boyscouts of America at Burning Man 2002
Queen of England
Carnivorous Orchard Dream
The Tower and the Candy
A Green Stone
Yet Another Sex Dream
Naked Convelescent Home
Scary Miscarriage Dream
Pure Buttermilk Chocolate
drowning into thin air
High School Sex Dream
Mourning the End of the World
glass ceilings and cocktail parties
'Beautiful Children' resort McDonalds
Two Totems
Lil Bro and the Scam Artists
The Harvestor
Metaphysical Spy Movie
Mother Daughter Camp
Am I Popular Enough Yet?
Night Rave at the Zen Garden
Nick Twisp and the New Fangled Western
Jenny of the Suburbs
room mates in the City
Identity Theft
The Angel of Stinky Music
Yet another cardboard box
Halloween Early
non-consensual remodeling
the unexpected serenade
the flying box
Prison Dream
Another Nightmare
strange, burgundy colored wings
just when I thought I was done with my ex....
im dead im dead im dead
The Odd Friend
sucked in
I don't want to be a game-show star
flying away again
a long, dark ocean
Brightly Colored Skull Necklaces
I hate my job.
Random Dreams
Portuguese hairdressers
pop bottle rocket and the static cling disease
Leopards??? Yuck!
Seen the movie Child's Play?
Toad The Wet Sprocket
My Starbuck's Stalker
More Charlie's Angels Full Throttle
Peaceful Field
Nelly, A Big Escape and My Grandparents
ghosts, sex & the leprechaun
shower power
The Scary Hospital
XXIV. The Square in the Hand
VIII. The Enchanted Woman*
Why I Shouldn't Go Back to High School
Burger King...or should I say...Burger King/King of the Chickens???
Carnivorous Orchard Dream
eve snow
clap twice lights off.
The Library, the Book, and the Demoness
non-consensual remodeling
I came home from work to find my current
room mate and my ex room mate (we all used
to live in the same house) in my room.
Everything had been completely redone
by my room mate and my ex room mate
while I was at work; hardwood floors with
sort of a redwood stain replaced the
lilac painted-over asbestos tiles, the walls
had been repainted, (a lighter shade
of the dusky purple that I had custom mixed
for my room when -I- painted it last), my bed
was in a different place with a brand new
frame (a black powder enamel iron canopy
frame) with all new bedding, new furniture,
etc. It was all the same color scheme as
before, but not my stuff, and oddly, they had
made the room bigger, too.
Even though it was very posh looking and
obviously had cost a great deal to redo
everything, (particulalry the walls, which
had a very subtle tonal variation, dappling
two very close shades of purple, one on
top of the other in a full-gloss paint with
a definite orange-peel texture), I was
absolutely furious, and wanted to know
what the heck happened to all of MY stuff
(and WHY they'd do something like that
without asking me first!?!?!)
Don't Fear the Baker
I want to know