Add Dream
uberbudgie Dreams
Endless Cafeteria Nightmare
Grrrrrl Power Orgy
The Day I Crashed a Stolen Car
Weird Rape Dream
The Boyscouts of America at Burning Man 2002
Queen of England
Carnivorous Orchard Dream
The Tower and the Candy
A Green Stone
Yet Another Sex Dream
Naked Convelescent Home
Scary Miscarriage Dream
Pure Buttermilk Chocolate
drowning into thin air
High School Sex Dream
Mourning the End of the World
glass ceilings and cocktail parties
'Beautiful Children' resort McDonalds
Two Totems
Lil Bro and the Scam Artists
The Harvestor
Metaphysical Spy Movie
Mother Daughter Camp
Am I Popular Enough Yet?
Night Rave at the Zen Garden
Nick Twisp and the New Fangled Western
Jenny of the Suburbs
room mates in the City
Identity Theft
The Angel of Stinky Music
Yet another cardboard box
Halloween Early
non-consensual remodeling
the unexpected serenade
the flying box
Prison Dream
Another Nightmare
strange, burgundy colored wings
just when I thought I was done with my ex....
im dead im dead im dead
The Odd Friend
sucked in
I don't want to be a game-show star
flying away again
a long, dark ocean
Brightly Colored Skull Necklaces
I hate my job.
Random Dreams
Bono, New Jobs, and Lots of Cocaine
First Lucid Experience
Saving The World By The Power Of Gothicness
School Days
Searching for a meaning.
dance recital
Dancing Dog
Serial Killer
my reoccuring dream
I Will Buy You A New Life
another nightmare
Aaron... come back!
troupe dreams
wide campus
Fireworks and family pets
Not Quite as Fun as a Blue Light Special
contaminated pool
Going Bald
jen and the parade (alternate ending)
Sorting Worms
Just Plain Weird...
you said what?
High School Sex Dream
I keep dreaming that I am in high school.
Not any of my old high schools, either, just
these weird places that look more like JC's
and have all of the same droll restrictions
as I had as a minor.
So, there was this giant wood shop, it must
have been about the size of the Costco near
where I live, and mostly unoccupied. No
one was working on projects; there were a
few people that all looked about my age
(early-mid twenties) that were really just
sitting around, socializing, and smoking very
huge bongs made out of metallic lucite.
I was in wood shop, and really wanted to leave,
but the school had hired more security and
I was avoiding my parents for whatever reason.
Perhaps it was more like a boarding school;
you couldn't leave the property at all at the
end of the school day.
I just know that I really didn't want to deal
with my parents, they depressed me.
The teacher was dressed in this judges'
costume, wig and everything, screaming
things that were so obtuse I just tuned him
out... And then he sounded just like the
teacher in the Charlie Brown television special,
and I noticed it was a wood shop teacher
from junior high I especially disliked, and
flipped him off before turning my back and
chatting with the stoners.
There was this one who was very cute,
a very slight blond with long silky hair
down to his waist. He had this elf-like
quality to him, and was a sculptor. I had
no idea what he was doing at high school
either, but didn't feel like asking. We
decided to ditch class and run into the
woods as far as we could so we could
make out with some measure of privacy
and garner inspiration.
(The 'school' was on a hundred acres or
so of wooded land, and surrounded by an
electrified perimeter fence).
We got outside and it was that weird time
of day where the sky seems almost electric,
when the sky just starts to darken but it's
not quite sunset. We run as fast as we can,
past all of these ghost-town looking three
story wooden towers, where the guards
(all middle-aged and toothless in Western
Movie type outfits) are looking at us and
shouting "hey, where do you think YOUR'E
going?" but we run anyways because we
aren't afraid of them and want to do as much
as we can before they catch us and drag us
back to class again.
The woods for some reason had transformed
itself into a sagebrush wasteland during the
time we'd been 'in class', so there was no
real privacy. We fell to the ground about
twenty feet from the fence and began to
tear off each other's clothes. I heard the
guards closing in when I woke up, annoyed
I didn't get much time with that lovely, pale
Woods in winter
Pool Party II