dream: 168 seniors at our school died. some died in the first thing that happened, which was an elaborate, perfectly executed taking-over-the-government thing by some congressman. it involved his car, a yellow honda, jumping into a race of several identical cars to cover it up... it was so weird. it was kind of a kamikaze thing too, because the congressman died. but his plan worked perfectly. the media was really upset, everyone was angry that it worked and we "let" it happen and nobody suspected it. and for some reason, a random high school had to be affected for his plan to work, and it happened to be ours. the rest of the kids died in a way related to the conspiracy thing, i don't know how it was connected, but they all died in the library in my school, like it exploded or something. i was hearing about the story as it was aired on the evening news, with some lady narrating it, playing throughout the dream. only i knew the whole story, i knew the inside story, because it was my school... i don't know why they were all seniors either, but then a few survivors and i were all in my room, looking out my window. and in my neighbor's back yard was a special cemetary for all the kids. it was unnerving because all the headstones were so shiny and new, all in a row. and the yard seemed so much bigger and it was depressingly cloudy out. when i woke up i was still half asleep so i had to ask myself "...but that didn't really happen, right?" and it took a few seconds to answer my own question. deciding if it was real was one of the strangest parts