I was living in the dorm where I stayed last school term. I had decided to go off campus on a Saturday afternoon to visit Jenn, a friend of mine. When I arrived at her apartment, she offered me some Midori. I decided to add some cheerios to the midori and drank a cheerio-midori mixture. After about fifteen minutes of talking with Jenn, she looked over at me and commented that I had consumed 3/4 of the bottle before taking it away. She took a sip and almost threw up. When she asked me why it tasted disgusting, I told her that I had added cheerios to it because I was hungry.
I decided that I needed to drive over to Kris' house. I began driving up East Campus Road before turning onto Cedar Street. I found that Cedar Street was closed due to the asbestos removal from my freshman dorm, Myers. Traffic was being redirected. I drove down the road between the quad and another dorm.
My legs and my butt had gone numb from all of the alcohol, so I decided to park my car in the new parking lot in front of the dorm. I drove up to a spot, but my legs were so weak that I could not press in the brake to put the car in park. I only got it into reverse and plowed into a blue Ford Aerostar van. Three military guys were standing beside a truck. They walked over and told me that the van was okay. I stood up in my car to have enough weight to depress the brake pedal. I began rolling forward before putting the car in park and stepping out of it to walk (?) to Kris' house