This is a dream i had last night, on the first of april.
meteors fall to the earth at great speeds, landing safely in the water of some unknown continent. it seems to me that there is a great panic that builds up into an end-of-the-world scare. eventually, it seems that all of the people in the dream are right.
meteors fall daily, same time, once a day. there are more and more each day, thus expanding the radius of the blast. the affected areas are blocked off by whatever people can get their hands one: blue swimmies, orange highway barrels, even those ropes that separate lanes at the pool.
native americans, rather dark ones too, came to gather daily at the site of the imapct. nobody konws why and nobody really cares, they just all want to get as far away as they can.
mothers cry and spend as much time with their children as possible. old lovers unite, and new lovers find each other for a night.
and then....
-this is where i wake up to frustaration becuase i liked the dream-