I was walking through the graveyard opposite my house with my sister and step-brother. I knew it was teh graveyard, but things were a little 'off' roads didn't lead where they normally did and we got really lost. Then, Elizabeth and Jeremy walked ahead of me into some long grass. i could see the grass moving as they walked thorugh it, then suddenly, hundreds of little glittery things floated up into the air. They were everywhere, fluttering around our heads, and sweeping between the blades of grass. I thought they were hundreds of butterflies, but when i looked closely they were faries. The faries looked so pretty we forgot we were lost, and just sat watching them for what seemed like hours, then they just disappeared. It was like i blinked, and when I opened my eyes, they had all gone. It got really cold then, and Elizabeth started crying because she suddenly remembered how lost we were. I started to get frustrated because i couldn't do anything, and i kept looking around for the faries, because i was convinced they could help us find a way out. My panic finally made me wake up, which I was only half glad about, it was actually a really cool 'visual dream'. The kind of thing you wish you could see in real life, just without the fear and sadness etc