In it, I appeared to be the mother of a new bouncing baby....boy, I think. yeah, boy..
I was freaking out because I had no idea whatever what to do with a baby. It's not that I don't love babies. I love em. They're great . The problem was, *I* surely didn't need to take on the role of lifetime mother. No sir, not for me. As the dream rolls on, I become steadily more frenzied and frenetic..and the baby can feel's as if a certain sensitive time period has elapsed in which I am able to successfully bond with the child, and it's passed me up - it's become aware of my immense dissatisfaction with it, and it indeed does react.
It reacts in an odd way. Apparently, the baby is able to morph from baby form to cat form.
When I go to pick the baby up, in a half-assed attempt to show it it doesn't scare/repulse me, it doesn't necessarily morph all the way, but acquires certain physical cat-like features: It gets a wild, crazed look in it's eyes, such as a fully mature cat who is cornered and not at all happy about it, would then begins to hiss, and protrude secondary claws .
Anyway, I realised that,although this baby is so much smaller than I am, it is by no means less powerful less vulnerable, physically.
I decided to back away at that point.
Ok, it had made it's point. It wasn't about to give me the chance to reject it :>