I was exploring a red clay canyon that had once been a river bed that long since had been dammed. It was for a history project and travelling with me was a guy and a girl.
No other signs of life are out in this desert heat, but a few wasps that come and go. One stings me, but i swat it away.
Along the sides of the wide river bed were monolithic bricks of either red clay or stone. They were dark brown with white and red trim and a rusty-metallic look to them. They were stacked either singly, one on top of the other, or stepped, but never more than one or 2 in a column. The rows spanned as far as i was aware of the canyon.
The guy, on the spot, delivers a theory of the gigantic stones. It wasn't bad, a little rough, and i pointed out a few flaws for him to work on.
there were Maya or Aztec ruins in the far, far background. i've visited Mayan site of Tulum before for my highschool graduation present (a cruise) and i'd love to be an anthropologist digging up and discovering the past lives and cultures of people long ago, finding old but new things and changing people opinions of the world of then and today.