I can have several different perspectives in a dream. One where i'm just watching the action, like in Florida gateway when i'm watching survivor. Another is when i'm acting myself in the dream, which i tend to do by the end of many. And lastly i character dream, where i'm on the inside of one character no matter the character's gender, race, age, or even human, although dreams where i'm not human are rare now. At first in this one i was character dreaming, it changes there after.
keyye dreams:
I was a young african-american child, a boy i think, with a troop of siblings, 3 or 4, and our daddy wanted us to know how to protect ourselves while sleeping, like camouflage. He was talking to mama about it, so while i changed perspectives from my other one to watch the parents talk. But when he started walking down the hallway towards us, it shifting to me as the kid. We wrapped are blanket around ourselves and huddled at the corner of the bed closest to the door, leaning our heads against the bed. Daddy came in and laughed saying what a good job of hiding, and we felt proud.
Another part of the dream, i am myself, i think, and i'm sitting on these bleachers for this auction for these pop stars. The room reminded me of how a school gym would look wiht a very low ceiling (for a gym at least). The auction was for brittany spears, who i do not like, and some other girl who had dark hair and a dark tan who were auctioning off clothes.
I kept looking around at all the other girls enthralled, i think i was on the second row from the bottom, and just wondered why they cared so much, you could get the same clothes much cheaper elsewhere. It was such a waste. I walked from brittany's throng to the other girl's. She was auctioning off this cute green sweater top that i liked and had seen elsewhere, but then reminded myself that i'd have all these other girls fighting over it and the price would sky-rocket, all when i could go to the store and buy something just like it for way less. I had to ge out of here.
I overheard as i was leaving where the money from the auction was going anyway, just straight to the popstars pockets. I sighed and moved on.
The only thing i can say for the first part of my dream is that the setting of the hallway and the room reminds me a lot of the set-up my mine at home. Oh, and that the blanket was a vivid red.
The second part of my dream, well i don't think the sweater top is based off reality, but it wouldn't surprise me to find one like it somewhere. I do forget what brittany was selling, and i forget what the auction went to finance, but it was something specfic and rather unnecessary. Some privledge for the rich that was frivolous.
I don't know why I dreamed of either of these items. I really do believe why pay for something expensive when it will lose meaning 5 seconds after you buy it, when you can get something worth its value at a cheaper store or on sale or both!