I was somebody famous, impersonating somebody famous or had somehow been mistaken for somebody famous. I was somewhere with my b/f to start with and we were trying to find a vacant place to sit on a stone balcony that was part of a café, only partway through it turned into a bus and there was a woman with a small blonde boy right next to us. The boy was shrieking and carrying on and the woman was snapping at him in ever-more-shrill tones until I didn't know who to feel the more sorry for.
I had to go somewhere to meet someone and told my b/f I'd meet him outside the building later. He said not to take too long and hinted at some arrangement we'd already made to be in a certain place at a certain time, only I couldn't remember what that was about and bluffed my way through it.
I went inside and the room I was in was a cross between an alternative artists' gallery, a restaurant and a children's bookshop. A woman working there seemed to know me and called me by some name I recognised as being a celebrity's and gave me the red carpet treatment. Then the restaurant manager came by and waited on me personally and I had a meal and meantimes several bags of shopping mysteriously materialised at my feet.
I had it in mind that the reason all these people thought I was famous was because one day earlier on I'd bought something on someone else's cashcard, even though it had expired. I couldn't remember the name, though, which was annoying, and it didn't seem to be the same as the name of the person they thought I was.
Then someone told me my b/f had got tired of waiting for me and was in "the other room", a weird kind of foyer with a very high ceiling and a round white plastic bench with a planter box in the middle of it. He was lying down on the bench and I went to apologise for keeping him waiting, hoping he'd had the sense not to tell all those people I wasn't who they thought I was (I didn't want to get in trouble because really, I had no idea why I was supposed to be that person). He looked sullen and said, "You forgot, didn't you!" and then I remembered what the prearranged thing was: it was apparently October 10 and we were going somewhere to watch an eclipse. I apologised again for making us late for that and he hugged me so long and so tight my neck began to ache, then when he let me go I saw that my bags of shopping had multiplied again and I couldn't possibly carry them all by myself.
I asked for someone to help me but there were only three people left apart from my b/f and none of them were cooperative: an old grizzly guy who may have been Greek and who was insisting I get "everything" out of the room immediately (including some hefty furniture and full bookshelves) because the building had to be demolished; a white-trash kinda woman with big hair who was writhing around on the floor pulling her hipster pants up as far as they would go; and a young guy who might have been the son of the old guy, and he was trying to imitate the woman on the floor only he was wearing briefs and nothing else and I was seeing far more of his anatomy than I wanted to.
I started gathering up some felt books and small toys that were on a cloth-covered table in the middle of the room and putting them into cardboard boxes. When I'd filled all the boxes I tried to carry them out of the room but the old guy stopped me and said he wouldn't let me store anything in the building. I tried to explain that I was in the process of moving things out but he didn't believe me.