Ain't I pissed? Ever since I got this dream thing I don't think that I've had a single dream, eh! I remember alot of dreams I had when I was younger. I had this dream when I was 4 years old.
Well me and my sister Kel were at this little river. This dream was really weird because it was in cartoon sequence.
I was standing there when this gnome came up behind us. He looked nice and I started talking to him.
All of a sudden he pushed my sister into the river and a current took her over and she was falling deeper and deeper.
I decided to save her so I jumped in the water, when I got under the water I remembered I couldn't swim.
I looked up and still the gnome was on the bank, he was laughing. I suddenly lost my breath.
I woke up screaming, this was before I could swin so I was terrified. More tomorrow. Maybe an old dream because my mind won't let me have them. Dammit!