I had this dream on Chrissie Day when I had a rest during the day. Well Lee and me decided to wag, but my mum knew about it. Go figure. So I wanted to get these pants, PJ pants and they were so cool and you could get them from Clint's, you know that really povy store. So we go in there and I find out from some people that there have been death threats from Lyndhurst that if anyone comes near the school they automatically die. Well the pants cost $8 and I only had $7 and since mum and Kel were in the store too I decided to get the money then. I left Lee and went up to my mum, she gave me the money and then this person who I know, but can't remember their name now came up to me and told me that Lee was dead because she went over to Lyndhurst. For some reason I could picture her near the lights ready to cross into Lyndhurst. I was full-on crying in the dream I woke up crying too. Well you would too if that was one of your bestfriends as well.