Kim Cattral, belts and barbies...what a normal dream for me =)
Author: ReeNi
In this dream Kim Cattral, which you should all know from the movie "Porkys" and the tv show "Sex and the City" played somewhat of an authority figure to me. This rich dude had had a party for his spoilt daughter and had left all her presents behind. I found this really cool rainbow belt and wanted to steal it. Kim told me not to, but I was so enthralled by it, that I had to have it. The rich billionaire or whatever he may have been came back to collect the presents, and I sneakily took the belt and put it in my old Rangebank Primary School bag, which is where I used to keep my barbies when I was younger. So when the rich guy was about to leave, I went and got the bag and put it in my room, under a blanket, before he checked every place. I woke up after that, so who knows if I ever got caught with the rainbow belt.