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ReeNi Dreams
The wagging continues, with a touch of Geography/History.
The wagging continues, with a touch of Geography/History.
The Marijuana Stash!
Kim Cattral, belts and barbies...what a normal dream for me =)
So let me get this straight Brad's Ashley? Or is it Ashley's Brad?
The inspection, Hey Arnold and funny little star shaped octupus
Isn't in lovely being hit by a truck?
People I know, my aunty the whore, the cemetary and Dante something
Leigh kissing a girl, I'd like to see that...
My poor penguin died!
Garth Brooks, rocks and dogs!
Why is this room so small???
The Drowning Gnome!
Why am I wearing a blindfold?
The Scary Man From Over The Fence!
The strange school dream!
The Olympics..........i think!
The Fish 'n' Chips and the party with the row of sleeping bags!
Where is my wallet?
Random Dreams
Going Bald
XVI. The Metempsychosis
Swamp Bears
Baby-Sitters Club?
but i want to learn calculus!
ponographic poetry
Sorcerers Rule the Opera.
tom or dan?
the dream in which i died,but i didn't care
Grrrrrl Power Orgy
connection to the soul
JS House
In the Arms of a Friend
More School Dreams
shower power
Brightly Colored Skull Necklaces
15 October 1995: Hermaphrodite and Woman
tuesday at the zoo
Marmottes dans le parc
balloons and babies
framed by junkies
The strange school dream!
I had this dream not that long ago just after I did this play at school.
I was sitting in class at my Primary School and I was talking with one of my classmates David Muir. I was talking to him about highschool and whatnot.
Then I look over at another classroom and turn to my friend Michelle and say hey look who I'm sitting next to.
I was sitting next to this girl Jacquie who I ddin't like at that moment and I felt it was really weird to see myself over there.
Next thing we walked out of the classroom at my second highschool and my friend Aisha turns to me and says "I like Tim."
Just then Tim walks out and I say "I love you Tim" He just gives me a weird look and we continue walking.
Tim walks over to Jake and I say bye to Tim and Jake, Tim says goodbye and Jake bites down on his thumb like he did in the play.
My friend Patty starts walking with me and then we all get pushed up against the classroom except for Patty.
The teacher gives Pat a cape and he puts it on, I walk over there and she says your not in this scene yet.
I woke up laughing, thinking about my weird little mind.
High School
Yet another cardboard box
The Scary Man From Over The Fence!