I was watching a televised broadcast about the church I attend. The camera man zoomed in on me and my family. I noticed I was wearing a bright blue top or vest. The next thing I knew, I was in the church and some people were passing out poetry writen by other members in the church. After one read the poem he/she was given, they were to proceed to an assigned seat were they would find a bingo card. It was the start of some cult like game. (i.e. you lose the game, you or a family member loses their life.) I think my son's life seemed to be at stake. Me and another female found a building outside of the church, and in it we found a poem by Ryan R. ( another church goer). Next to the poem was a blood red candle burning. My husand's dad showed up soon after that. There was some sexual talk between him and other people that were in the room by then. Some other odds and ends stuff occured that is unclear to me and then I woke up.