Okay, in this dream I was at my friend Brooke's house, but I twas this falling down old farmhouse in the middle of this field. We heard that these killer tornados were coming, and I started to freak out b/c tornados really scare me. But Brooke was very calm and she said we could "go downstairs" when the time was right. So I kept looking out the window and crying, and Brooke just went about her business. I would see these huge tornados, complete with lightning and scary growling sounds coming for us, but they would narrowly miss us. Then finally this monster tornado was headed straight for us, and Brooke decides it's time to "go downstirs" Now is when I find out that downstairs is actually under the poarch, and we had to open this trap door to get down there. This is where it gets really wierd. The tornado is in the front yead and it turns into this very disguntled old hippie dude, and he comes on to the poarch. We are still inside, so we plead wit him to let us get downstairs. And he agrees. Then I wake up.