My parents sent me away to some sort of boarding school/cult... And Ashley and all of my friends were there as well. The place was absolutely freaking huge. I got my own bedroom which was gigantic. We all went down to the messhall and had salad and bread... Then we were all tested for various things. Once we were found satisfactory, we were put into our robes and then we were part of the cult.
A few members were told to go back into the real world for a while and then come back. I was once of those people. So I left for a bit. The whole thing I can remember doing is masturbating with Aaron a whole lot (Oh baby)... So I came back in a pink dress... And we had to go through more tests... While I was waiting, I saw Scott from the beginning of the year there..
He kept on staring at me... And I slowly recalled being in the cult as a younger child. Being locked in a closet if I was bad, singing, etc. And then I stated that the house had belonged to Laura Ingles Wilder and her family (I raised an eyebrow at that too)... Then my aunt came in and started to tell us what we had to do. A door behind us swung open with a "ding" and some girls ran out crying. I peeked in and it was a man at a piano and a choir teacher.
My aunt told me to close the door and make it "ding" again... So I did. Then she talked to me and I wanted to know if I had to sing the high notes. She said that only the Seniors wouldn't have to... And I ended the dream with an un-enthused "Damn it."