For some reason I was on this thing that worked like a ski-lift. However, the seat was more like a big swing with a flat bottom (nothing for you to lean back on) and it was as big as a ski lift, so you couldn't hold on to both sides at the same time. For some reason I was sitting right in the middle, unable to reach either of the chains. I was really scared of falling off but didn't consider sliding over to one side to hold on to the chain.
The chair-lift was descending to the edge of this lake (I think it was the rocky edge of this place I went camping once a while back), and the chair-lift went down, all the way so you were dangling right over the edge of these jagged rocks, and then turn around and ascend the hill again. I remember seeing skis and running shoes all over the rocks (even though it was summer-time).
All of the sudden I realized it was Friday night, and I was supposed to be at my Aunt's house. So I suddenly appeared there. She told me I was supposed to baby sit some kids (she is a principle and I think she was going to get me to do some afterschool program at her school). She told me if I stay until 5 I get 55 dollars, and if I'm needed until 9pm I get 95 dollars on top of the original 55. But it was Friday night, and I really wanted to go out so I threw a fit and left.