My boyfriend and I were heading out to go camping in Sudbury (I live in Toronto). We get into the car, and I start driving really far until I've ended up missing the turn off that we needed to make. Eventually he realizes this, and shows me this map of where we are as opposed to where we are supposed to be and we're waaaaaay off course. The map itself looked as if it was one of those pictures of Canada taken from space, you could see the lush dark green forests and brown land and blue water as well as all the clouds.
Right as I realize how far off we are, I notice these new lights on my dash board. There are 2 bar graphs lit up to the top. One says KM's, the other says AGE. My car is lit up near it's death and I ask myself if my car is going to be able to make it that far. I again refer to my map and realize that sudbury is now this lush island and there are dolphins that jump out of the water and proceed to fly over the island until they reach the water again. I wonder exactly how I'm going to manage to get onto the island.
Suddenly things shift to my house but I for some reason call it my boyfriend's house. I am sleeping in the master bedroom bed (which is really my parents bed) and I wake up. I don't remember what happened when I got out of the bed, but the next thing I know his little brother is laughing at me and treating me terribly. He is generally so nice to me, and now I notice that he was acting the way my sister does in real life. I scramble around to get out of my pj's and to get dressed.