So I have this dream last night that me and my roommate Bill are visiting this expemental art musem in Germany, that my friend MollyZ once told me about. It is also sort of Disney World somehow, with rides and stuff.
In reality, at this art musem, they take a picture of you when you come in and when you leave they give you a glossy photo of some other random person who was also visiting the musem that day.
Molly had her picture of the random folk hanging in her room--I always thought it was neat.
SO, in my dream I have the picture taken of me and then go to collect my new suprise picture at the end of my visit. I unroll the photo and become SUPER EXCITED at this AWESOME picture I have been lucky enough to aquire. "I have to find Bill," I think, "This will look so cool in the dining room, I can't wait to go home and hang it up."
I find Bill and show him this photo that I think is so incredibly cool and great.
The picture is of a woman from the sholders up who is sobbing and bruised, gagged with electrical tape. Behind her on the wall is angry red scribbling that I can't read.
So then Bill and I decided that food is too expencive in Germany (after looking at a DisneyWorld menu that offers hamburgers for 80$) so we will just fly home. Instead of flying to Mpls, we go to California.
Once in California, Bill disppears, but I am sure to call ALL my friends and tell them how beautiful CA is and how they should hussel on out here. This is intresting because as I am trumpting California's virtures, I'm looking out of a window at it and it is a complete desolate wasteland filled with post apocolyptic crumbled buildings and grey sky.
Suddenly my conversations are cut short because there is a HUGE tornado headed my way. My friend Jesse pops up and we run and hide in a little cellar until the tornato has passed. Once it is gone, Jesse leaves too, and I emerge up from the cellar and find myself back in Mpls with Billy.
Mpls is now coverd in this weird decaying algee green/blue color and everything is very empty and filled with dreery blue light.
"C'mon now," Says Bill, "It's time to go collect our Blood because we have The Disease."
"Oh right," I agreed cheerfully, "The Disease."
Then we walk to some central location where we sit down and men put tiny tubes into our arms that drain into long necked green bottels decorated with a neatly tied red ribbon. Once the blood-letting has ceased, we mearly cork the bottle and proceed to carry around the blood in the crooks of our arms. I look around and notice everyone else is carrying around their green red-ribbion blood bottels too.