Well I remember sitting on a balcony full of my friends and some men I didnt know. I was wearing a bikini but everyone else was in sweaters and everyday clothes. I felt so stupid and this guy walked up to me its a guy I have dreams about alot lately, he is 23 and his name is Jamie who is a friend of the family and in every dream I have we end up dating, well this time he was talking about how much he wanted me and what he wanted to do to me. All of the sudden I realized everyone in on the balcony were having a sex with eachother. I felt very uncomfortable so we went outside into his car to talk and what I thought was his car was his appartment which was full of georgeous flowers and satin all the works. I was walking around admiring everything in the room when he came up behind me and started rubbing on me and we ended up having sex. When it was done we layed together for the rest of the night.
This Jamie guy always comes over to talk to my mom and about two weeks ago he and his girlfriend broke up and ever since then I have been having many dreams about us dating or whatever. We flirt in a weird way but I cant figure out why I dream about him like this.